Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Shapeworks Ultimate Weight Loss program includes all six of the component found in the Shapeworks Advanced Weight Loss progam.

1 - Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake mix

2 - Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex

3 - Formula 3 Cell Activator

4 - Herbal Tea Concentrate

5- Total Control

6 - Cell-U-Loss

In addition to all these great products, four more products are included in the Ultimate Weight Loss Program.

1 - Snack Defense is a blend of herbs in tablet form.

> Helps control all-day snacking
> Helps reduce carbohydrate absorption
> Helps maintain blood sugar levels

2 - Roasted Soy Nut snack packs are a high protein, healthy snack to support your weight loss efforts.

> Provide 11 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber per serving

3 - Beverage mixes in assorted flavors of wild berry and peach mango. YUM!

> Boosts energy while satisfying hunger
> Provide 15 grams of whey protein per serving
> Powerful flavor and only 70 calories per serving

4 - Protein bars - a chewy protein bar in assorted flavors

> Contain 23 vitamins and minerals
> Provide 12 grams of soy and whey protein blend
> Help to sustain energy and control appetite
> Great flavors - peanut butter, lemon, chocolate fudge, chocolate coconut

To lose weight and have more energy, have 2 shakes a day for breakfast and lunch and a balanced meal for dinner. Take your tablets as explained and enjoy between meal snack of soy nuts, beverage mix or soy bars. If you don't have any weight to lose, this is a healthy program for weight maintenance, having just 1 shake a day. Whatever your goals, I will be your personal coach to help you achieve your health and nutrition goals. Order your program now! I'll be getting in touch with you to help you along the way, using the contact information you provide with your order.

Congratulations and here's to seeing "less" of you!!

Your Personal Weight Loss Coach
503 302-7289